Engine Release: v1.55

So cool, finally pc.WasmModule is there!!! Thank you so much!


I have tested my current projects with version 1.55 and it throws big failures. Will we be able to count on the current version (1.54.1) for a long time to come? I have many projects in progress and it would be impossible to correct all of them

in the first image it looks ok (1.54.1), the second, the shaders don’t work (1.55)


1.55 will be moved to ‘Current’ version in the Editor on the 3rd Aug at the earliest. When that happens, 1.54 will be move to ‘Previous’ and selectable in the Editor and publish dialog

While you could publish and work with engine 1.54 for a long time, we can’t guarantee the Editor will be compatible with 1.54 forever.

That said, it is unlikely that it will break support for a while but it isn’t something we test for when we release new versions of the Editor and it is recommended that you update the shaders at the next possible chance.

If you are having trouble with updating the shaders, please do let us know on the forums and we will help as best as we can.

I notice a big difference in the shadows.

Version 1.54.1:

Version 1.55.0:

Apart from that, I get this warning:

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I notice some incorrect shadows on the dead enemy.

Left version 1.54.1 and right version 1.55.0.


We totally understand the disruption that these chunk changes cause and we’re really sorry about that. We haven’t made these changes likely, but believe it’s absolutely necessary to continue making improvements to the engine going forward.

Is there any chance you can give us access to one of your projects (or a cutdown project) so we can see the types of changes you’ve made to chunks? Perhaps we can help to ease the migration.

We had to update a number of our internal projects and generally it wasn’t too painful.


Hi @Albertos,

This is likely due to clustered lighting being enabled by default now. Could you try disabling clustered lighting and see if that’s the cause?


Disabling clustered lighting indeed solve this issue, but now I’m a little curious why it doesn’t work properly in my project.

Perhaps you just need to update shadow configuration on app.scene.lighting? (https://github.com/playcanvas/engine/pull/3763)

There’s a script here on the docs that you can grab to help make those changes easier: Clustered Lighting | Learn PlayCanvas

Adding the code of the new API freezes my browser for a long time at start and doesn’t solve the incorrect shadows. Below my current light setup.

Can you send me a fork of the project please and I will help take a closer look :slight_smile:

Yeah unfortunately I don’t believe clustered lighting supports variance shadow maps for spot or omni yet (see https://github.com/playcanvas/engine/blob/main/src/graphics/program-lib/chunks/lit/frag/clusteredLightShadows.js).

@mvaligursky would be best able to comment on this, but unfortunately he’s away till next week.

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No problem, I will disable clustered lighting for my project. Thanks for your help!

I’ve got the project fork to look at :slight_smile:

(Will add this to the first post)

Clustered lights do not support variance shadow maps for lights so if your app requires this, you will need to disable clustered lighting via the following code on startup in a script.

this.app.scene.clusteredLightingEnabled = false;

Or add this globally in any preloaded JS file

pc.Application.getApplication().scene.clusteredLightingEnabled = false;;

@slimbuck hi! I noticed, I am losing a reflection on a material with a custom chunk in 1.55. Could you please, advice what needs to be changed? I verified with Spector and the code is in the shader.


float blendLighten(float base, float blend) {
	return max(blend,base);

vec3 blendLighten(vec3 base, vec3 blend) {
	return vec3(blendLighten(base.r, blend.r), blendLighten(base.g, blend.g), blendLighten(base.b, blend.b));

vec3 blendLighten(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) {
	return (blendLighten(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));

vec3 combineColor() {
    return blendLighten(dAlbedo, dSpecularLight + dReflection.rgb, 0.6);

Hi all,

I just updating my latest project to work with the newest release candidate version, and I’ve run into a somewhat odd behavior. It seems like both the initial load take a noticeable amount of extra time and spawning template instances (that have never been spawned before) causes noticeable delays now that clustered lighting is enabled by default.

Disabling clustered lighting appears to restore the performance of the items being created, but I want to understand why I might be seeing this behavior. Does it have something to do with the compiling of shaders?

There are two live directional lights, only one of which uses shadows, and a skybox that serve as my lighting solution. I haven’t altered any of the clustered light settings, so there is no subdivision of the grid that the clusters use unless there is a default setting.

Any ideas for changes would be really appreciated.

Thank you!