Engine Release: v1.28.0

Engine v1.28.0 has been released. Release notes:

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After the engine update, our simple collision triggers started not to work… are there some updates on this basic function?

Yes, there seems to be a problem with triggers. I have a couple of quite complex apps that show the bug. Do you have a simple case the demonstrates the issue?

We created a simple case for the issue… So, the box has collision and it should write console log when player collide with the box… But it does not say anything :confused:


Thanks, I’ll take a look.

Great! I have reproduced the issue. Now I can debug…

Yay!! :tada: I’ve fixed it!

I’ll get the fix deployed as soon as possible. Thank you SO MUCH for your reproducible project.

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Oh great! thanks for the fast response! , we are looking forward it :slight_smile:

OK @obstakl, can you try again? It should be fixed now. Let me know. :slight_smile:

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Yes, it working again! :slight_smile:

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Hi exiting times with glTF and glB, … you write:
“Load GLB textures using the asset system”

  • does that infere that one cannot load external images onto externally loaded glBs?

“Load GLB textures using the asset system” can also be read as:
Firstly; one has to load an external image, and then (secondly) use a locally alreadymade material for the loaded glB? Is there an option for accessing the material of an external glB other than the default: ‘.diffuseMap’?