Devlog posts not shown?

Seriously. every time I type something or mention anyone, or even post something NO ONE SEES IT. I went above and beyond to create another GAME on playcanvas and they see that. but if I was to post no one would see it. However when I enter editor they see that I’m there and are able to chat with me. But no one is going to sit in editor waiting/expecting me to be there. WHAT THE- is going ON?


i have no clue

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Get on Hsg editor


Day 2, Forum 2 ASKING FOR HELP. I post something and no one is seeing it. However they see in their notifs that I posted YET THEY DONT SEE IT. PlayCanvas is getting buggy.


It happens to me sometimes, but it’s never this bad.

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I just got my dev log post flagged as well. They said it was “advertisement” but in reality a devlog is showcasing what you’ve done and your journey.


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101, since this might be the only to contact you

Screenshot 2023-05-17 10.16.18 AM
My latest post feel free to interact