Development Log

Here is one of the first previews for the game Ive been working on here at playcanvas. I took some time to start developing content as I have most of the things I want figured out as far as programing goes. Ill be implementing these ships one at a time, and then later getting the combat systems programed.

But yea keep looking here for updates.

This graphic was really rushed so don’t be to judgmental for the errors :slight_smile:


Nice! Looks cool. Is that the model there? Love to see it rotating in 3D or something.

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Its the model, I will do a “spacestation” Hangar here soon, and have them in there for viewing.

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This is super-cool Pryme8! Keep the updates coming - this looks like it’d be my kinda game. :slight_smile:

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here is a first run of testing a human hangar, for frigates and cruisers.

Ill drop a couple ships in engine here soon, and let you move around the hanger.


Very cool. So this is a ‘ship selection screen’ essentially?

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yea, ship selection for frigates and cruisers, and re-spawn points.

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I have a feature request: insanely powerful beam lasers.

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im planing pulse and focus lasers and plasma cannons/beams an array of other exotic weapons.

once i get some base things done and figure out a few things Ill have a running demo to play with.

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can you give me a tutorial for guns and tracers like
I figure we have to hardcode it, and I have an idea how I can do it with models but I want to figure out if there is going to be and effective way in your engine to do bullets, plasmaballs, laser beams and other firing effects.

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Cool tutorial. Although he says ‘this/that guy’ so much, it got super-annoying. ;o)

So I didn’t know about the TrailRenderer in Unity. Looks pretty cool. That’s totally do-able as a script. That’s clearly particle based, but we do actually already have a trail renderer that generates geometry. It’s used in both Dungeon Fury (for the sword swipes) and SWOOOP (for the ‘streamer’ behind the plane). You can find the code for it here:

Writing a particle based trail renderer is a bit harder, but do-able. I’ll add it to our feature request DB for now.