[SOLVED] Controlling the resolution of 'Realtime reflection'

I want to control the resolution of ‘Realtime reflection’
(as taken from two different examples on the Playcanvas-websources [one with boxes spheres flying around, which I cannot find again - and another one; cf bottom one] )

Here is the result of the reflection, but with quite a low resolution on the glass of the pavillion (notice the hi-res iron pole upon the panoramic image versus the low-res reflection of the pole itself here):

For once / sometimes I can reveal the project itself - as such here it is:

PS: There is also a tutorial-example called " Planar Mirror Reflection".
But this tend to make the ‘glass’-like surface darker (as if it had a dark sun-screen plast upon it - have tried several things to make it right → for good order, made as a separate issue/post [ (Controlling 'Realtime reflection' - second issue; "Planar Mirror Reflection" only) ])

There’s a similar thread on this where there should be an API for you to control the resolution environment atlas: Prefiltered dds resolution issue - #9 by slimbuck

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ok thanks, but found the solution myself (had already tried different approaches earlier - weeks ago)
bit of coincedence that this was the solution - but at CubemapRenderer.js:

// limit maximum texture size

    var resolution = Math.min(this.resolution, this.app.graphicsDevice.maxCubeMapSize);

    // Create cubemap render target with specified resolution and mipmap generation

    this.cubeMap = new pc.Texture(this.app.graphicsDevice, {

        width: resolution,

        height: resolution,

        format: pc.PIXELFORMAT_R8_G8_B8_A8,

        cubemap: true,

        mipmaps: this.mipmaps,

        minFilter: pc.FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR,

        magFilter: pc.FILTER_LINEAR


has to be (off course without the limit - and with the max 6th of my equirect 2x1 image of 8192px x 4096 px => 2048 px at both sides):

// limit maximum texture size

    var resolution = Math.min(this.resolution, this.app.graphicsDevice.maxCubeMapSize);

    // Create cubemap render target with specified resolution and mipmap generation

    this.cubeMap = new pc.Texture(this.app.graphicsDevice, {

        width: 2048,

        height: 2048,

        format: pc.PIXELFORMAT_R8_G8_B8_A8,

        cubemap: true,

        mipmaps: this.mipmaps,

        minFilter: pc.FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR,

        magFilter: pc.FILTER_LINEAR
