Contribution guidelines

Hi PC devs. You have probably noticed that I have made a few small PRs over the past few days; mostly small improvements to the docs. I’m in the middle of going over the entire engine’s source code from A-Z because I’m writing TypeScript declaration files for PC that I’m hoping to publish to DefinitelyTyped.

In the process, I stumble upon the occasional mistake in the docs or opportunities for small improvements or clarifications. I was just wondering if you cared about the kinds of PRs I’ve been submitting or if they are more of a bother that detract you from more important work? Would you prefer I pool all of these little fixes and improvements in one bigger PR that I would submit once I’m done going over the engine or should I keep submitting small individual PRs as I go?

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Personally, I don’t mind too much either way. When I merge your PRs, I tend to squash the commits which does make the commit history of the master repo a bit easier to browse. But if each PR only has one commit, it doesn’t really have much effect. I’d say, if it’s not urgent, maybe collect a bunch of commits into a single PR. :slight_smile: Thanks for your contributions!!

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