[SOLVED] Can PlayCanvas output html work with Cesium or Google Maps

i want to know whether or not playcanvas output 3dmodel can combine witth cesium( The Platform for 3D Geospatial)cesium,just like this

One for @OmarShehata? :smile:


Thanks for the ping Will :sweat_smile:

@Hiccup_You are you asking if you have a PlayCanvas scene, how can you display it on top of a 3D geospatial map? It is possible in theory to compose the two engines by rendering the PlayCanvas scene with a transparent background and then the Cesium scene behind (here’s a blog about doing this with ThreeJS https://cesium.com/blog/2017/10/23/integrating-cesium-with-threejs/) but I don’t think this is a very easy way to go about it.

I think you’re better off either loading the satellite imagery/terrain directly into PlayCanvas if you’re only concerned with a local area. There’s a few services that can provide tiles for use like this. For example https://elevationapi.com/ I believe can give you a glTF of an area so you can use that directly in PlayCanvas. https://www.nasadem.xyz/ also provides elevation data as a PNG heightmap (so you can use it to generate terrain like in this example https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/tutorials/terrain-generation/).

Your other option is creating your scene directly in CesiumJS. There’s some good tutorials here https://cesium.com/docs/ and resources on the Cesium forum: community.cesium.com/


@OmarShehata Thank you very much for the assistance. :smile:
"glTF of an area " Is a good idea;it will help me a lot

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