Hiya Yaustar,
Can you add me too - crazyfolker
Hiya Yaustar,
Can you add me too - crazyfolker
Is it possible to prepare technical animations, for example to create 2d button that will open/close smth. or smth like that!?
Would like to try to use it?
Sure, what’s your PlayCanvas username?
Added. Doesn’t cost anything extra and documentation can be found in the first post of this thread.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Anim State Graph Closed Beta - Feedback here!
Hello, could you please add me?
Playcanvas name:
Thank you very much.
Please add me trisutridi
Thank you
I would like to participate please! - username: editionman
I’d like to be added please! Org Account: Unbnd User Account: benunbnd
This is now released!