Anim state graph changes with multiplayer

Hi, not sure who might need this- but based on the forum topics and trying to work on it myself- finally figured out how to send parameters for anim state graphs changes over multiplayer using the realtime-multiplayer example. Hope this helps someone, and any crit on how to make it better and more elegant welcome.

Project is here.

and server code here for anyone who needs it.

var server = require('http').createServer();
var options = {
  cors: true

var io = require('')(server, options);
var players = {};

function Player (id) { = id;
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = 0;
    this.z = 0;
    this.rot = 0;
    //we retrieve the value we sent across from playcanvas here//
    this.value = 0;
    this.entity = null;

io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
    socket.on ('initialize', function () {
        var id =;
        var newPlayer = new Player (id);
        // Creates a new player object with a unique ID number.

        players[id] = newPlayer;
        // Adds the newly created player to the array.

        socket.emit ('playerData', {id: id, players: players});
        // Sends the connecting client his unique ID, and data about the other players already connected.

        socket.broadcast.emit ('playerJoined', newPlayer);
        // Sends everyone except the connecting player data about the new player.
        socket.on ('initialize', function () {
            var id =;
            var newPlayer = new Player (id);
            players[id] = newPlayer;

            socket.emit ('playerData', {id: id, players: players});
            socket.broadcast.emit ('playerJoined', newPlayer);

        socket.on ('positionUpdate', function (data) {
                if(!players[]) return;
                players[].x = data.x;
                players[].y = data.y;
                players[].z = data.z;
                players[].rx = data.rx;
                players[].ry = data.ry;
                players[].rz= data.rz;
                //we format the outgoing data from glitch back to playcanvas here//
                players[].value = data.value;
                //we log the information so we know its going out//
            socket.broadcast.emit ('playerMoved', data);

            if(!players[]) return;
            delete players[];
            // Update clients with the new player killed 

console.log ('Server started');
