Android Webgl devices issues + Google Play filtering


I have published a few days ago a game on the Google Play using PlayCanvas.

The game is packaged using Cordova/Ionic + Crosswalk in order to support old Android version, <=4.4.

Many users reported that the game crash on their phone, or get strange rendering on game screen.

I have seen that Crosswalk and chromium inside implement a black list of GPUs which cause problem with Webgl APIs.

So my reaction is to try filtering devices not supported in Google Play Developer Console (GPDC).
But how can i get these ones ? I have list 7490 devices compatible in GPDC. i cannot uncheck them one by one.

The only filters i see are :


Guys from PC, i saw you publish two games, Swoop and Dunge on fury

Any idea ?



When you built your APK, did you follow these instructions to ignore the GPU blacklist:

Yes, i also have added this parameter.

I am in this situation : “Forcing Crosswalk to ignore the GPU blacklist can improve performance, but may cause your application to become unstable.”

Any indication from your side about any gl texture i can use to filter devices ?

OK, it’s good that you have enabled ignoring of the blacklist. It’s all we needed to do to get SWOOOP running well across devices.

I don’t quite understand what you mean by filtering device by gl texture. By default, PlayCanvas doesn’t use any compressed texture formats on mobile yet (this is a feature that we will introduce in the future). PlayCanvas apps should run on a WebGL implementation that adheres to the minimum capabilities of the spec.