About making a ragdoll

can someone help me with something? I want to make something similar to a backrooms game. however, I know nothing about programming in javascript. I want to know if there is anyone willing to help me with one aspect: I want to make the player first and when an entity (smiler, howler, skinstealer, partygoer) kills the player, I want to make a ragdoll for the player and also a respawn button. I just don’t know how to program in javascript. I might learn slowly, but it would be forever until I could make & use it, and I just don’t have the time to spend forever on it for personal reasons. if there is anyone who could help I’d appreciate it a lot. here’s the link to the editor: PlayCanvas | HTML5 Game Engine

Hi @soptsign555 and welcome!

Unfortunately, it’s very complicated to create a ragdoll. A Long time ago I created a topic about it. You can check it below. :point_down: