A question about loading materials

Just to further explain, the JSON for cubemaps when downloaded from the Editor doesn’t seem to be usable by the engine at runtime.

Therefore you have to create the cubemap in code like I’ve shown above you use a DDS file instead.

I’m not sure what you mean by this.

To ensure that I downloaded and used the correct data, I downloaded it several times and replaced it several times, but the result was the same,Just to tell you that the data I downloaded is not modified

Yes, I trying to say that it doesn’t matter how many times it is downloaded, the format is not suitable to be used by the engine.

You have to either create the cubemap in code as shown in my example or load the DDS

Yeah,I know your means,but I’m confused that material.cubemap is texture or null,but the cubemap is asset,I don’t know how to add this cubemap to material.cubemap

This is my code:

                           var textureUrls = [
                            // Create assets from the texture URLs
                            var textures = textureUrls.map(function(url, i) {
                                var asset = new pc.Asset('skybox' + '-' + i, 'texture', { url: url }); 
                                return asset.id;
                            var cubemap = new pc.Asset(
                                    textures: textures
                            // mat is material which should have a cubemap texture
                            mat.cubemap = cubemap; 
                            // app.setSkybox(cubemap);

This is a screenshot of the console.log(mat) in the log

This seems to indicate that the material.cubemap setting is not successful,I don’t know if I understand right?

when I found it is a cubemap missing problem,I have tried like this:

var cubemapAsset = new pc.Asset('New Cubemap.dds', 'texture', {
    url: "./Assets/model/polestar2/47347309/New Cubemap.dds",
    cubemap: true
}, {
    "minFilter": 5,
    "magFilter": 1,
    "anisotropy": 1,
    "rgbm": false,
    "prefiltered": "New Cubemap.dds",
    "textures": [
cubemapAsset.on('load', function () {
    mat.cubemap = cubemapAsset.resource;
    mat.reflectivity = 5.633

but it didn’t work.

Updated example to add cubemap to the material: https://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/1164378

    var app = this.app;
    var textureUrls = [
    // Create assets from the texture URLs
    var textures = textureUrls.map(function(url, i) {
        var asset = new pc.Asset('skybox' + '-' + i, 'texture', { url: url }); 
        return asset.id;

    var cubemap = new pc.Asset(
            textures: textures

    // Test material
    cubemap.ready(function(asset) {
        var material = app.assets.find('test-material');
        material.resource.useSkybox = false;
        material.resource.metalness = 1;
        material.resource.useMetalness = true;
        material.resource.cubeMap = asset.resource;
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This address return 404,and my code is here:

                            var textureUrls = [
                                "./Assets/model/polestar2/47347304/Refl_0005s_0000_图层 2.jpg",
                                "./Assets/model/polestar2/47347304/Refl_0005s_0000_图层 2.jpg",
                                "./Assets/model/polestar2/47347307/Refl_0001s_0000_图层 2.jpg",
                                "./Assets/model/polestar2/47347306/Refl_0002s_0000_图层 2.jpg",
                                "./Assets/model/polestar2/47347304/Refl_0005s_0000_图层 2.jpg",
                                "./Assets/model/polestar2/47347304/Refl_0005s_0000_图层 2.jpg"
                            // Create assets from the texture URLs
                            var textures = textureUrls.map(function(url, i) {
                                var asset = new pc.Asset('skybox' + '-' + i, 'texture', { url: url }); 
                                return asset.id;
                            var cubemap = new pc.Asset(
                                    textures: textures
                            // cubemap.on('load', function () {
                            //     console.log(cubemap);
                            //     mat.cubemap = cubemap;
                            //     mat.update()

                            // })
                            // app.assets.load(cubemap);
                            // app.setSkybox(cubemap);
                            cubemap.ready(function(asset) {
                                mat.resource.cubeMap = asset.resource;

but .ready function isn’t triggered


Sorry, the URL is https://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/1164378

Any errors in devtool console?

Nothing,But I got this error in https://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/1164378

No errors,just isn’t triggered the .ready function,so I use

cubemap.on('load', function () {
     mat.cubemap = cubemap;

then I got this error:
I don’t know if this error report is important

Is GitHub blocked from where you are? Eg, can you see this file? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yaustar/yaustar.github.io/master/skybox/right.jpg

It’s normal now

Regarding your issues, if you can provide a playcanvas project on playcanvas.com (similar to what I’ve done), it will make it a lot easier to fix your specific issues as I can fork it

Yeah,thank you very much. I will try my best to make a demo tomorrow for you to test. I don’t know how to send the file to you on this website. could you provide your email to me

I will DM my email address

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I have updated the example to use your cubemap textures: https://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/1164378