[SOLVED] Look around my CubeMap script?

I found PLAYCANVAS while looking for apps for making and displaying 3D rendered cubemaps (I am using DAZ Studio). I got my renderings into my project as a cubemap and in the editor I can look around and all looks good. When I launch the app I have a static view from the camera.

It appears to allow users to rotate the camera view I need to add a script. Looking at the script editor and all the examples has me baffled as I am not a coder. I think I understand correctly that the script needs to be attached to the camera.

Would very much appreciate it is some one would help this old sole and provide me script to simply allow user to look around/rotate view from within my cool but currently static cubemaps/skyboxes?

Thank you!

Hi @Firepro. You could use VR Starter Kit when creating new project, it has such script on camera, and more: it has VR if you have cardboard for mobile.

Or perhaps someone could be kind on forum, to write you a small “look around” script.

Okay, thank you I will check out the VR Starter Kit and see what I can do with it.

The VR Starter Kit worked great. Deleted existing forest cubemap, created my own, deleted objects and voila, I can now see all around my cubemap. Even works on my smartphone with gyro control. COOL!

Thank you Max, much appreciated!

BTW my cubemap was very good but not perfect at the seams. Maybe I have paralax in my photos. Also, my photos/renderings have no overlap of edges so stitching programs have problem. Do I need overlap on my cubemap photos?

Hm, not sure, would need to see a problem visually to tell.

Btw, switch in scene settings (bottom left corner button) to linear tonemapping and 1.0 gamma correction. So that your cubemaps will look in correct color.

Playing around with the scene settings was able to adjust look of scene, thanks for pointing to it.
My issue with seams of cube faces is okay now, maybe bad camera operator (me) in rendering program on first few efforts, but works very good now.

For the moment I am not doing stereo, so I have been trying to figure out how to disable the “Tap for VR” script and avoid users from going into stereo view when no stereo view is available.

I was able to make the message invisible, but of course tapping still puts user into stereo view. I tried deleting each script individually from the VR Starter Kit but usually generates errors. I am thinking maybe edit one of the scripts and “remark out” or delete some code, but not sure which code it is. Any suggestions would be great, thank you.

You still haven’t posted link to your project…

Yes, here is link to CubeMap test:

This one the seams are not good and I did not make the message invisible. Had problems with internet connection all day, but this is example of what I am trying to do, a simple non-stereo view that users can look around from either their smartphone or PC.

As mentioned, I am hoping I can delete a script or modify a script to get rid of the stereo option. Thanks.

It seems you have unpublished your app? The link doesn’t work.

Also, it sounds like you’re better off using the Model Viewer Starter Kit rather than the VR Starter Kit. Check it out and see if it’s more suitable to your requirements.

Sorry, storage problem so deleted it.

YES good idea about starting with model viewer, thank for pointing that out!

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