☑ Paid for Organisation but only on Pro?

Hello there,

My account is showing as a Pro account even though I’ve paid for an Organisation account. I know I did, as I have one project already with a bespoke loading screen.

Please can you help!

Many thanks,

Alex Smale


This organization https://playcanvas.com/tribemix has an organization plan. You are probably seeing your personal account which might have a Pro plan?

You can click on the little image next to your username to go to your organization:

( I can’t see the icon because only you should be able to see it :wink: )

Hi thank you. I see it. Is it possible to move my personal projects over to my organisation please? Would be a big help!

Yes you can transfer your projects. Go to your projects list on your personal account, and for each project click on the little arrow on the right and then Transfer Ownership. Then enter the username of your organization, hit Transfer and go to your Organization to accept the transfer requests for your projects.

Great thank you. That’s a big help. :slight_smile:

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