Best js for camera movement on button click
in this scene i want to move from one point to another by a path on a button click

One of these sample projects should help:

I am not able to control stopping and moving camera on an event.
i have tried all the movement js, but facing sae issue

This is something you can add to those scripts by listening to the mouse/touch input event.

There are some samples on how to listen to those events here:

can you provide a tutorial where i can move and focus my camera on the faces of 5 person in room?
i want to do it by single camera movement.
i have tried camera on a path js , but not able to control the camera script according to requirement.

This is very-very specific case. Purpose of tutorials is to give general idea and example that is useful to as many developers as possible. Then developer has to be able to learn and progress to develop own solutions.

Learning - is essential skill for a developer, without it you simply wont be able to progress anywhere as developer.

There’s some code in the Orbit Camera sample where it focuses on an entity and it’s children which you could customise to fit your use case:

Hello sir,

i have used js for camera following a path. where i have moved camera by controlling by space but it is not working.

sir its urgent can you suggest something ?

var CameraPath = pc.createScript(‘cameraPath’);
var tt =0;
var newnodes = [];
var nodes = [];
var index = 0 ;
CameraPath.attributes.add(“pathRoot”, {type: “entity”, title: “Path Root”});
CameraPath.attributes.add(“duration”, {type: “number”, default: 10, title: “Duration Secs”});

CameraPath.attributes.add(“startTime”, {
type: “number”,
default: 0,
title: “Start Time (Secs)”,
description: “Start the path from a specific point in time”

// initialize code called once per entity
CameraPath.prototype.initialize = function() {
// Generate the camera path using pc.Curve: Curve | PlayCanvas API Reference
nodes = this.pathRoot.children;
newnodes = nodes;
newnodes[0] = nodes[0];
newnodes[1] = nodes[1];

// Learn more about live attribute tweaking from this project:
// If the user decides to change the path while the app is running, this allows for quicker iteration
this.on("attr:pathRoot", function (value, prev) {
    if (value) {
        this.time = 0;    

this.on("attr:time", function (value, prev) {
    this.time = pc.math.clamp(this.startTime, 0, this.duration);    

this.time = pc.math.clamp(this.startTime, 0, this.duration);    

// Caching some Vec3 objects that will be used in the update loop continously 
// so we don't keep triggering the garbage collector
this.lookAt = new pc.Vec3();
this.up = new pc.Vec3();


// update code called every frame
CameraPath.prototype.update = function(dt) {
var app =;

//tt = tt + 0.001;
this.time += dt;

// Loop the path flythrough animation indefinitely 
if (this.time > this.duration) {
    if(tt === 0) 
    this.time -= this.duration;   
    tt += 1;  

 if ( ) {
      //var length = nodes.length;
      index       = index+1;
      newnodes[0] =  nodes[index];
      newnodes[1] =  nodes[index+1];
      tt = 0;
// Work out how far we are in time we have progressed along the path
var percent = this.time / this.duration;

// Get the interpolated values for the position from the curves     
this.entity.setPosition(this.px.value(percent),, this.pz.value(percent));

// Get the interpolated values for the look at point from the curves 
this.lookAt.set(this.tx.value(percent), this.ty.value(percent),;

// Get the interpolated values for the up vector from the curves     

// Make the camera look at the interpolated target position with the correct
// up direction to allow for camera roll and to avoid glimbal lock


CameraPath.prototype.createPath = function () {
var curveMode = pc.CURVE_CARDINAL;

// Create curves for position
this.px = new pc.Curve(); 
this.px.type = curveMode; = new pc.Curve(); = curveMode;    

this.pz = new pc.Curve(); 
this.pz.type = curveMode;

// Create curves for target look at position
this.tx = new pc.Curve();
this.tx.type = curveMode;

this.ty = new pc.Curve();
this.ty.type = curveMode; = new pc.Curve(); = curveMode;

// Create curves for the 'up' vector for use with the lookAt function to 
// allow for roll and avoid gimbal lock
this.ux = new pc.Curve();
this.ux.type = curveMode; = new pc.Curve(); = curveMode; = new pc.Curve(); = curveMode;

// Get the total linear distance of the path (this isn't correct but gives a decent approximation in length)
var pathLength = 0;

// Store the distance from the start of the path for each path node
var nodePathLength = [];

// For use when calculating the distance between two nodes on the path
var distanceBetween = new pc.Vec3();

// Push 0 as we are starting our loop from 1 for ease

for (i = 1; i < newnodes.length; i++) {
    var prevNode = newnodes[i-1];
    var nextNode = newnodes[i];
    // Work out the distance between the current node and the one before in the path
    distanceBetween.sub2(prevNode.getPosition(), nextNode.getPosition());
    pathLength += distanceBetween.length();
for (i = 0; i < newnodes.length; i++) {
    // Calculate the time for the curve key based on the distance of the path to the node
    // and the total path length so the speed of the camera travel stays relatively
    // consistent throughout
    var t = nodePathLength[i] / pathLength;
    var node = newnodes[i];
    var pos = node.getPosition();
    this.px.add(t, pos.x);, pos.y);
    this.pz.add(t, pos.z);
    // Create and store a lookAt position based on the node position and the forward direction
    var lookAt = pos.clone().add(node.forward);
    this.tx.add(t, lookAt.x);
    this.ty.add(t, lookAt.y);, lookAt.z);
    var up = node.up;
    this.ux.add(t, up.x);, up.y);, up.z);


To help other users with your code, keep it simple and short and do not forget to use proper formatting using Code Highlight button in panel of editing post.

In the original sample, how far the camera is moved along the path is governed by this.time:

// update code called every frame
CameraPath.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    this.time += dt;
    // Loop the path flythrough animation indefinitely 
    if (this.time > this.duration) {
        this.time -= this.duration;
    // Work out how far we are in time we have progressed along the path
    var percent = this.time / this.duration;
    // Get the interpolated values for the position from the curves     
    this.entity.setPosition(this.px.value(percent),, this.pz.value(percent));
    // Get the interpolated values for the look at point from the curves 
    this.lookAt.set(this.tx.value(percent), this.ty.value(percent),;
    // Get the interpolated values for the up vector from the curves     
    // Make the camera look at the interpolated target position with the correct
    // up direction to allow for camera roll and to avoid glimbal lock
    this.entity.lookAt(this.lookAt, this.up);

If this.time is not updated then the camera stops moving.

With that in mind, what can you do to stop the camera from moving until a user event happens (e.g. The user presses Space)?